relics, rum and rhythm drip down Havana's streets nonstop like
the rhythm of the dripping faucets in the antiquated still-standing
apartment buildings. Cubana dance music and the "chug-lug-wumpa"
sound of the '57 chevys, keep pace with the swaying hips and high
hem skirts of hitchhikers and caminandos making their daily promenade.
Cars with no stickers - clean as a whistle, honk salutations at
those walking by.
Ron Mojitos then the Cigars, the Conga music, dance and of course
hot sweaty days and nights paint a neverending picture with musical
spanish accented by rapid beats completing a portrait of a duelistic
life; happy with nothing but, desperate for anything, Cubanas
make do with a life economically constricted by the rarest politcal
and socioeconomic form-socialistic communisim, at the rigid command
of Fidel Castro.
Revolution of a Free Cuba led by Che Guevarra was overtaken by
Fidel Castro following Che's assasination. Fidel manages a stranglehold
over a dreamworld societal model where citizens receive food,
home, medical care, education and oversight over all activities.
Cuba has everything in place for societal perfection, streets,
electricity, water, garbage and rich culture full of art, music,
dance and food, everything except free will to sell and buy goods
for it's citizens. Tourists however, are allowed to spend as much
as they can and they do.