2 line inflatable 2 line kites have fixed position,
they are simple and direct.
4 line inflatable 4 line kites allow the user to change
the aperture and shape of the kite to increase power or decrease
in a gust. 4 lines are preferred by the majority.
2 line ram air Highly efficient and sensitive design.
3 4 line ram air Similar to 2 line with relaunch
lines to fly the kite backwards when it crashes.
Bar length bar length corresponds to kite size and control.
A longer bar is used with a larger kite or for increased control.
A shorter bar is less sensitive to movements, which is helpful,
when you are on a smaller kite in high wind.
Bar technology- Carbon, Aluminium, 4 lines vs 2 lines, harness
line holes in the bar center versus an attachment or straps
Bar leash - optional leashes provide the benefit of a depower
leash. Release mechanism kite bars may be equiped with
a line attached about 3 meters up to one line to allow the kiter
to let go and depower the kite entirely by pulling hard on one
line and laying out the kite flat on the water.