oo-to (oo-tu) adj. noun.  
meaning out of the office.  
1 State of focused mindset.  
2 Soulful, transcendental attitude.  
3 Mode of efficiency.  
4 Go [out].  

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Trick Tips

Straight jump

  1. Power up on a reach and edge the board.
  2. Choose a spot to ramp up for the jump on flat water.
  3. Fly the kite low and toward the front edge of the window.
  4. As you approach the jump take off spot, pull in hard with the backhand to send the kite upwards rapidly. As the kite reaches the top of the window, you’ll initiate the jump.
  5. Point the board off-wind in the direction of the jump.
  6. Before the kite goes backwards beyond the top of the window, pull in with the front hand to continue to fly the kite overhead. Do not let the kite fly behind you.
  7. Fly the kite slightly in front of you as you land to maintain the speed and softness of the landing.
  8. Land the board and continue flying the kite.

Straight jump rail grab (hooked in)

  1. Power up on a reach and edge the board.
  2. Choose a spot to ramp up speed for the jump on flat water.
  3. Fly the kite low and toward the front edge of the window.
  4. Pull in hard with the backhand to send the kite upwards rapidly, as the kite reaches the top you’ll initiate the jump.
  5. Point the board in the direction of the jump.
  6. Before the kite goes backwards beyond the top of the window, pull in with the front hand to continue to fly the kite overhead. Do not let the kite fly behind you.
  7. Let go with the backhand and grab the rail of the board and hold it.
  8. Maintain pull on the front hand.
  9. Fly the kite slightly in front of you as you land to maintain the speed and softness of the landing.
  10. Land the board and continue flying the kite with two hands.

Forward 360

  1. Power up on a reach and edge the board.
  2. Choose a spot to ramp up speed for the jump on flat water.
  3. Fly the kite low and toward the front edge of the window, jump hooked in or unhooked.
  4. As you approach the jump take off spot, pull in with the backhand to send the kite upwards.
  5. Initiate a small jump about .5 meters off the water.
  6. Maintain a gentle pull on the front hand as you spin your shoulders forward one slow 360 rotation downwind. Variations on this trick involve rotating the board above you and jumping one handed or with a rail grab.
  7. Fly the kite in front of you as you land the board.
  8. Continue flying the kite in a stable position, while hooked in spin the bar back.


Forward 720

  1. Power up on a reach and edge the board.
  2. Choose a spot to ramp up for the jump on flat water.
  3. Fly the kite low and toward the front edge of the window, jump hooked in or unhooked.
  4. As you approach the jump take off spot, pull in with the backhand to send the kite upwards.
  5. As the kite reaches the top of the window, you’ll initiate the jump. Jump about 1 meter and fly the kite overhead.
  6. As you lift off the water, spin your shoulders and your body hard to make two rotations. A 720 is similar to a 360 with another rotation. While trying your first 360s you may over-rotate and pull a 720 or possibly a 1080.
  7. Variations on this trick involve rotating the board above you and jumping one handed or no handed.
Trick Tips

Back 360

  1. Power up on a reach and edge the board.
  2. Choose a spot to ramp up for the jump on flat water.
  3. Fly the kite low and toward the front edge of the window.
  4. As you approach the jump take off spot, pull in with the backhand to send the kite upwards.
  5. As the kite reaches the top of the window, you’ll initiate the jump and point the board up-wind in the direction of the jump. Initiate a small jump .5 meters off the water.
  6. Maintain steady pull on the bar while flying the kite directly overhead.
  7. Rotate your shoulders and body to complete a back 360 turning up into the wind.
  8. Pull with the front hand to fly the kite in front of you through the move.
  9. Keep the kite in front of you and land the board.
  10. Variations on this trick involve rotating the board above you and jumping one handed or no handed while hooked in.

Forward 360 w/handle pass

  1. You must be able to unhook and remain powered. Power up on a reach and edge the board.
  2. Choose a spot to ramp up speed for the jump on flat water.
  3. Fly the kite low and toward the front edge of the window unhooked.
  4. As you approach the jump take off spot, pull in with the backhand to send the kite upwards.
  5. Move your power hand to just front of center of the bar.
  6. As the kite reaches the top of the window, you’ll initiate the jump. Initiate a small jump .1 meters off the water - jump unhooked.
  7. Turn your head and spin your shoulders forward one slow rotation, prior to the peak pass the handle to the other hand behind your back-as you come around grab the bar with both hands.
  8. As you land the board, continue flying the kite in a stable position and hook in.

Monkey (not hooked in)

  1. Power up on a reach and edge the board while unhooked.
  2. Choose a spot to ramp up speed for the jump on flat water.
  3. Fly the kite low and toward the front edge of the window unhooked.
  4. Pull in hard with the backhand to send the kite upwards rapidly, move your strong hand to the near front of center of the bar, as the kite reaches the top you’ll initiate the jump.
  5. Point the board in the direction of the jump.
  6. Use your free hand to grab the rail or let it hang like a monkey.
  7. Land the board and continue flying the kite with two hands.

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